March 9, 2025
God’s conversation in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness” introduces the concept of Imago Dei – the image of God. This establishes the unchanging truth of who we are, and how we are to be with one another and with God.
Imago Dei inspired relationships are characterized by relentless love ’as he loved us’; for in others, we see God and ourselves. These relationships are critical for the transformation that we hope for and that the world is groaning for; the very essence of why we are a movement of believers pursuing fullness of life for all. When we love as Jesus has loved us, then pursuit of justice for all becomes our default.
Relationships are a tool to partner with God in reconciling the world to himself, making the love of Christ tangible and helping one another encounter God. In my many visits to communities, I have been in awe of seeing people experience the good news through the power of love that God has placed in us. I remember with deep emotions an orphaned girl talking about the benefits of a project run by the church that was partnering with a Tearfund partner. She ended her sharing by saying, ’My siblings and I have seen God!’.
Mary Mbuki Gaitho is Tearfund’s Head of International Programs.
May I never cease to see You in the stranger,
welcome You in the foreigner,
embrace You in the broken,
And love You in the face of enemy-hate.
Your image is in all, Father, and Your love remains unbent towards us.
Strahan Coleman, from Prayer Vol. 1
Julian Holdsworth
BSBC Pastor