We have a number of ministries running in our church.
Kids Church
Our Kids Church program runs at the same time as our 10:00am service.
Our aim is to create an environment where they can learn and experience the love and purpose God has for their lives. The children have a fun-filled time of learning about God’s love for each of them, and living for Him.
The Kids Church program is divided into two age groups. Age 2 to 5 and Prep to Grade 6.
Kids Hope
We partner with Kids Hope Australia and Belgrave South Primary School to support children by providing mentors for one child, one hour each week. We build caring and supportive relationships and help these children realise their full potential socially, academically and emotionally.
Metamorphis/Youth Group
On Sunday mornings during the school term those in Years 7-12 move out during the service for a time of learning and reflecting on life’s issues and how the bible gives encouragement and guidance when facing life as a teenager.
On Fridays once a fortnight our Youth Group participate in a number of activitie
Our basketball ministry began in 1997, when we first entered a team in the Victorian Baptist Basketball Association (now Victorian Churches Basketball Association).
We currently have two teams competing, a Men’s team in ‘A Grade’ and also a team in the Women’s competition.
The teams are built on a foundation of living out our faith through sport. Meaning the teams meet fifteen minutes prior to the start of the game to pray and spend time together, then repeat this following the game.
If you would like to come down and support the teams, they play at Maroondah Indoor Sports Centre on Monday nights – please contact the church office for game times.
Life Groups
The heart of our church is found in Life Groups that meet in people’s homes throughout the community. People come together to support and care for one another, and learn to relate the teachings of Jesus to their daily lives.
Over 50s
We have an active Over 50s group, run by two members of our church, with monthly get togethers and activities.