In response to the Victorian Government current restrictions for religious gatherings, we want to make sure that we play our part to limit any spreading of COVID19.
As changes are being made regularly re COVID, we are doing our best to keep things updated on our site. However, visiting the BUV site which also references the Vic Govt site, will help keep you informed. Their site was last updated October 2022.
- Please do not join with us if you are feeling unwell or have any flu-like symptoms. If you develop symptoms or start feeling sick while at any point during our gathering, go home immediately.
- If anyone in your household is unwell, then you also should stay home, even if you are feeling well, as this is also a way of preventing transmission.
- If you have been instructed to self-quarantine from work, school, university etc. then this also applies to self-quarantining from all church activities.
- All Volunteers, Leaders and Employees must be fully vaccinated as per govt requirements.
- While it is not compulsory to wear a mask in church, we do encourage you to wear one during flu season and especially if you cannot socially distance.
- Wash hands regularly with soap or hand sanitiser. Hand sanitiser is available onsite.
- Please avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, mouth or mask wherever possible.
- Please continue to greet one another with warmth and affection, however please be sensitive to other people’s needs.
- Cleaning within the church building is in accordance with the DHHS guidelines.
- Our ventilation system has been updated above and beyond the recommendations for buildings.
- Don’t share items, e.g. your mobile phones etc. BYO water and do not share it.
- Don’t congregate in the kitchen/toilet/rear entrance corridor or other confined spaces.
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated may attend the services and events at our church.
Q: What steps are being taken to clean the facility?
A: We are committing to abide with the Health Department recommendations for personal health and sanitising.
Q: Do I need to wear a face mask in order to attend services?
A: It is recommended for everyone to carry a fitted mask to church services and wear if unable to maintain a safe distance and/or if to assist protecting the more vulnerable, especially during flu season.
Q: Do I need to keep physical distancing during the Sunday gathering?
A: It is encouraged that you safe distance when possible, but if not able to, a mask should be worn.
Q: Can I use the toilets in the main building?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I greet other people during services?
A: We encourage warm and loving greetings and encourage you to be mindful of respecting people’s personal space.
Q: Will there be morning tea after the service?
A: Yes, we have returned to morning tea provision.
This page updated 21 November 2022.